Standing Orders, Automatic Orders, Regular Orders, no matter what you call them, there in ONEzoo. You can schedule Standing Orders to be created just once, daily, weekly or more allowing your customers to have a regular order in place and adjust it as they need.
The Future Order Callender (FOC), is your hub for all standing and future orders. These are orders that are yet to be, but are scheduled to be created. Here you can choose a customer, the product, quantity, frequency, time and delivery day.
Orderlinks is a self branded system we offer for you to use with your existing customers, and within that system we have embedded Standing Orders. Here your customer can quickly and easily see what order will be created today with one click on the home screen. They can then make adjustments to today's standing order in a matter of seconds. No need for them to call, sms or email, the customer can change the order on the fly.
Customers can set up Standing Orders themselves, allowing you to save even more time with ONEzoo.
Standing Orders have never been easier than with ONEzoo, you can be up and running in no time at all. Checkout our support pages to find out more.
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