
Michael Brothers Traditionally Pressed Juice sprouted from small beginnings on our family’s broadacre farm just north of Toodyay in early 2012. Originally named “The World’s Healthiest Juice Company”, we began with simply freshly squeezed orange juice that we sourced from local Chittering, Bindoon and Gingin growers (just down the road!). Then in early 2013 we got serious. We made our own cold-pressed juicing machines and expanded our range of juices to incorporate many other varied and vibrant local Western Australian fruits, always producing a juice from fruit sourced directly from a Western Australian grower.

And therein is our secret: All of our juices are hand bottled from cold-pressed, and (almost all) locally grown Western Australian fruit, as we are committed to supporting local WA agriculture. That’s why all of our juices (except one) are Buy West Eat Best certified: Because they contain 100% West Aussie fruit and nothing else!

But there’s a nutritional aspect to supporting local growers too: It’s no good cold-pressing fruit that has been on the back of a truck for days or even weeks on end – the nutrition just won’t be there. Juice needs to come from fruits and vegetables grown in your local area, and direct from a grower so that it is FRESH when it is cold-pressed! That is how you get the most enzymes and vitamins! Taste our juices – the taste is unreal because of this simple fact – our juices are all made from Western Australian grown fruits and vegetables.

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